
PowerSleeve drain spool elbow repair on Scott Platform







Upstream oil & gas

Associated capabilities


Stork was contracted to repair the perforation on a 4” closed drain spool elbow located on Nexen’s Scott installation. The surface of the 4” closed drain spool elbow was hand prepared by Stork’s multi-skilled technicians. All voids were then filled with epoxy putty to smooth the surface area. Stork’s innovative pipe repair solution; PowerSleeve was then utilized. PowerSleeve’s engineered composite reinforcement was selected because of its 100% solids epoxy impermeable barrier. This combined with the strength of its custom E-glass and Kevlar® fabric made it the best choice to encapsulate and reinforce the entire spool elbow.


All repair calculations were conducted in-house, providing Nexen with a fully customized rapid delivery. Stork’s technicians were able to completely cover affected area; strengthening structural integrity. All work was completed and carried out by Stork’s multi-skilled, on-board technicians. The overall cost was far less than compared to conventional repair methods.


“Further to Stork assisting Nexen with an Engineered Wrap solution to a 4” pipespool defect on the Scott platform in the closed drains system, I would like to pass on our thanks for the manner in which this was organized. To achieve our required mobilization and the fact that the Core/ LTADHOC painters had the necessary training to allow this to be applied without mobilizing any further personnel was well received due to the current POB at this time of year”.

Alan Shand Asset Integrity & Platform Support Services Engineer Nexen

Fast facts

When June 2013
Location North Sea, Scott Platform
Insulation conditions C ambient temperatures
Installation type/products Field wetted Powersleeve composite system
Materials 5/20UW Epoxy Putty Stick, Power Sleeve® W-11 ® hybrid fabric with Standard Resin, BioDur 563® Epoxy basecoat/ primer and final topcoat
Safety Project delivered safely with no lost time incidents PowerSleeve is a non-toxic alternative which eliminated the need for additional PPE requirements
Workscope completion  The workscope was completed on time and within budget