Inspection Engineer

Christie Marriott

Let’s take it back to the beginning, what did you do when you left school?

After 6 years at school, I went to university to study business management and marketing. I didn’t have a clear idea on what I wanted to do but I enjoyed management, so I thought a degree was a good place to start.

Before joining Stork, had you ever considered a role in engineering? 

Engineering and a role like the one I have now, had never crossed my mind. I was totally unaware of what jobs lay within the world of oil and gas.  

Tell us a bit about your day-to-day role?

Before starting a job, I carry out various elements of research for the equipment I am going to inspect. This can range from looking into the strategy or previous reports, even talking to the onsite engineer about the job to find out if there is any specific information I should be aware of. From there, I check-in with the process control unit to ensure all safety measures are in place and then begin the inspection. A key part of inspections consists of looking for anything that doesn’t appear right on the external state of the equipment. 

What training, qualifications and/or experience have you gained?

Since joining Stork, I have been on a steep learning curve. Having now been in my role for 2 years, gaining industry first-hand experience, I have gone on to further my education. This has included completing an EMMUA Mechanical Integrity course and now working my way through an HNC in engineering.  

What advice would you give to girls and women considering a career in engineering?

For anyone who is considering taking the leap into an engineering career, I would say go for it.  You don’t know what it will be like until you try. Always ask questions, get involved and explore all opportunities. There is such a variety of roles within engineering that aren’t heavily advertised, it’s all about getting a foot in the door.

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