

Find the latest Stork whitepapers for in-depth knowledge on asset management, maintenance, and other topics. 

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WhitepaperSpare part inventory optimization
This spare part optimization practice is carried out on two plants of a Stork client active in the oil and gas sector. The paper reviews two (easy to use) methodologies to identify minimum holding (stock) levels and risk of stocking-out.
WhitepaperThe beauty of maintainability
This paper tries to refresh readers information about Maintainability as a concept, demonstrate its interactions with other concepts such as design, availability and maintenance and practice it as a quantifiable function.
WhitepaperBasic standard care
If your company deals with budgetary obstacles, would you begin from direct cost-cutting or from improving the results? Which way is quicker? Which one may have higher chances to solve your today obstacles and cause minor obstacles in the future?
WhitepaperUnlocking the secrets of efficient turnarounds

This white paper is focused on the primary functions required for a successful turnaround development and execution. The intent is to provide a detailed, customizable roadmap for the various turnaround scopes, contract structures and complexities.

WhitepaperObtain and preserve organizational integrity

Organizational integrity is key to business success, and to securing asset integrity. This whitepaper details the key activities required to implement or improve organizational integrity in industrial companies. It includes a roadmap, strategies, and tactics. 

WhitepaperReliability and Integrity: It´s a balancing act?!

Learn how to optimize your assets by implementing a 'control tower' approach to connect the essential elements of availability, reliability, and integrity. 

WhitepaperA field proven vision on asset management
This whitepaper provides our field-proven vision on asset management. A vision which was gradually refined through the realization of projects for different companies in different industries. 
WhitepaperOrganizational integrity
Achieving organizational integrity is a requirement to enable industrial companies to put their business values into practice. The challenge is to install an 'organizational integrity' culture in which integrity is embedded in the systems and embodied in the people.
WhitepaperAsset management policy & strategy
Asset management policy and strategy are the starting point for the asset management processes. They are the basis for the development of concepts and plans that need to be executed. 
WhitepaperDecision making in uncertainty
This paper reviews a number of techniques useful for decision making in uncertainty and reminds three (out of several) cognitive biases, to help decision makers making more accurate decisions.
WhitepaperJourney to mechanical integrity systems
A properly implemented Mechanical Integrity System is a key pillar of Asset Performance Management (APM). The following whitepaper describes Stork’s best practice to guide professionals through a successful implementation.
WhitepaperSpare part inventory optimization
This spare part optimization practice is carried out on two plants of a Stork client active in the oil and gas sector. The paper reviews two (easy to use) methodologies to identify minimum holding (stock) levels and risk of stocking-out.
WhitepaperTopology optimization of a robot adapter
Why is it time to increase the use of topology optimization for weight reduction, combined with other techniques, to achieve a promising strategy? Learn how to create truly lightweight parts that benefit cases in which weight reduction is of importance.
WhitepaperKnowledge management in shutdowns & turnarounds
This white paper is focused on the primary functions required for a successful turnaround development and execution. It provides a roadmap for various turnaround scopes, contract structures and complexities.
WhitepaperDe-risking Gulf of Mexico operations and maintenance practices
Strong safety and maintenance cultures go hand-in-hand because poorly maintained assets can be the root cause of accidents and collateral damage to personnel and assets.