
FSM data analysis - major manufacturing services provider



Manufacturing Services Provider





Associated capabilities


Stork was tasked with analyzing corrosion monitoring system data from a Field Signature Method (FSM) IT system, and collating the information into a client specific report.  Severe metal loss was detected which prompted discussions with the client on corrective actions. A spool was also removed and, upon inspection, the metal loss analysis findings were confirmed. The FSM monitoring solution was installed across the welds on the apex’s of two bends.


Stork’s skilled technicians utilised the company’s robust FSM data analysis procedure to complete a detailed wall thickness analysis. All reports and analysis were put through a stringent two-stage verification process to ensure all anomalies were captured and validate the accuracy of results.

Severe metal loss was detected which prompted discussions with the client on corrective actions. A spool was also removed and, upon inspection, the metal loss analysis findings were confirmed. Stork retrofitted a new FSM-IT system on the replacement pipe that was installed and continued the data analysis services.


Potential incident prevented

A potential catastrophic incident was prevented as the severe metal loss was identified, allowing the client to take prompt action and replace the pipe

On time and within budget

The project was delivered on time and within budget.

No safety incidents

The project was delivered with no lost time incidents or minor injuries.

Fast facts

Project FSM data analysis
Client Manufacturing Services Provider
Location Netherlands
Services Monitoring solutions
Date 2015-2016